How to tell if you need a coach? Ask yourself these questions:
- Do you need support in projects or as part of an organizational approach?
- You need to develop a strategic vision?
- You are a new feature and you want to develop an ease in your role?
- Do you need a space to think outside your comfort zone?
- Do you face a difficulty in your work-life balance?
- You cross a difficult period?
- Want to better define your goals?
- Develop better communication skills?
- You want to transfer your business?
- You must build your succession?
- Are you ready to commit yourself fully in the development process?
- Do you need help to resolve conflicts?
- Are you ready to get out of your comfort zone?
- Feel the importance of developing your executive presence?
If the answer is yes to many of these questions and you feel alone with choices, you could benefit from the support of a coach.